Dear friends,
Here is information about some of the French and Lithuanian artists taking part in the exhibition project in Lithuania in 2023.
Our project will open with a first exhibition in Raudondvaris in the Kaunas area and will end in late November or early December with an exhibition at the French Institute in Vilnius.
During five months we will be exhibiting in five best exhibition halls not only in the capital region (Kaunas and Vilnius), but also in coastal cities such as Nida and Palanga.
On the last day of the exhibition in Nida, as part of the project, we will show a new documentary film about J.P. Sartre's visit to Lithuania, where it will be screened in Lithuanian for the first time.
Christine MAILLARD https://www.christinemaillard.com/
Claude MIQUEL http://www.claudemiquel.fr/
Evelyne CROZAT-COULMONT https://www.crozat-coulmont.com/
Gyslaine PACHET-MICHENEAU https://www.pachet-micheneau.com/
Inesa ANTANAUSKIENE https://www.inartstudios.com/
Laure POYET https://www.laure-poyet.com/
Natalia GRIGORIEVA http://fr.nataliagrigorieva.com/
Rikka AYASAKI http://ayasaki.free.fr/
Valérie POLIZZANO https://www.valeriepolizzano.com/
Project Manifesto
The "Distant and Close" project was born out of a desire to share experiences with artists from all over the world as much as possible.
Art should exist beyond borders, politics and nationalities.
It is a powerful spiritual force that unites like-minded people from all over the world, people who, looking at a work of art, can immerse themselves in the artist's living world, each of whom speaks a different language.
ARTEC has always believed and still believes that any cultural exchange enriches professionally and spiritually, and isolation is a way to nowhere, to spiritual poverty.
Lithuania has very interesting artistic and cultural traditions that are little known in Western Europe, especially in France.
Contemporary Lithuanian artists are not as popular in Europe as they deserve to be.
Lithuania is a beautiful country with unique nature, ancient culture and cheerful, friendly people, many of whom are art lovers and connoisseurs.
That is why the project to organise an exhibition of French and Lithuanian artists in Lithuania in 2023 and an exhibition of Lithuanian and French artists in France to coincide with the Year of Lithuania in France in 2024 is so timely and relevant.